Its name and existence would be lost to history - just as the vengeful Gul'dan preferred. Claiming the shaman's staff and a ring, Gul'dan left the burning ruins of his birthplace behind forever. Gul'dan earnestly thanked the shaman, saying that he had found his destiny, then killed him as well. As the village burned, Gul'dan spotted the village shaman - the only source of any relative kindness in his life. Gul'dan then went on a rampage, killing all of his former brethren. When the chieftain furiously reminded Gul'dan that he was never allowed to return to his people, Gul'dan roared that he had no people and obliterated the chieftain with fel energy. Gul'dan returned to his village, draped in tattered robes. Kil'jaeden ordered him to ally with someone who could, but first he would need to eliminate everyone who knew of his past. Kil'jaeden needed a public figure to unite the orcs against the draenei, but Gul'dan could not inspire or lead his people by example. The demon lord offered Gul'dan power in return for becoming the harbinger of his fury. However, in the absence of the furies, Kil'jaeden began to whisper to him. The spirits of fire, earth, water, and air approached him but, sensing the darkness and fury within the orc's heart, violently recoiled from him. He finally heeded the old shaman's words and, dragging himself to the Throne of the Elements, offered himself in the service of whatever would end his anguish. After months of starvation and wandering alone through the wastes, Gul'dan began to consider that the safety of a clan might be better than endless suffering. The bitterness that had sustained him all his life ate at him until nothing was left. Gul'dan angrily rejected the shaman, and the chieftain banished Gul'dan from the village. When the others finally tried to beat him to death to be rid of him, the clan's shaman stopped them and told Gul'dan that he saw greatness in him, advising him to go to the Throne of the Elements to seek his destiny. His condition made him a target for constant mockery and abuse, for which he hated his clan. Gul'dan was born crippled, weak and deformed in a village in Gorgrond. The young Gul'dan as an outcast in Gorgrond. Gul'dan serves as the overarching antagonist in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, the main antagonist in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, and a posthumous antagonist for the rest of the Warcraft franchise, though his alternate version does appear as one of the main antagonists in two expansions of World of Warcraft. Gul'dan often referred to himself as "Darkness Incarnate" and "The Destroyer of Dreams." He founded the Shadow Council and created the first death knights. Tutored by the leaders of the Burning Legion, he is considered one of the most powerful warlocks to have ever existed. He betrayed both his people and his mentor Ner'zhul to the demon lord Kil'jaeden for personal gain and power, and was directly responsible for the orcs' fall to demonic enslavement and their subsequent invasion of Azeroth. Gul'dan was the first orcish warlock as well as the de facto founder of the Horde.